“for God loves a cheerful giver.”
(2 Corinthians 9:7)
Begin your church contributions on our new platform.
Bedford Free Methodist Church is now using Subsplash! A seamless integration making it easier to contribute digitally.
Tip: Recurring donations are a great way to manage charitable giving without the worry of missing a payment—you set the frequency, select the payment method, and your gift continues to give over time.
Exciting news: we’re launching our online giving with Subsplash! Online giving will be easier than ever and allow the church to save money. We are grateful for your continued support and partnership in ministry!
If you are currently an online giver to BFMC:
Please complete the 2 simple steps below by JUNE 28, 2024:
Step #1 - Establish a Donor Profile in our NEW platform by making your next donation using the ‘ONLINE GIVING’ form above.
Once you Submit the form you will be re-directed to Subsplash (our new platform). Once you’re there, click the Create a Donor Profile by selecting Log in or Sign up button in the upper right corner to finish creating your Donor Profile (inputting complete contact info, setting up recurring gift, linking bank account, etc.).
Step #2 - Turn off your recurring giving in our PREVIOUS GIVING PROVIDER . Or, contact our church office and we can turn off your previous recurring gift for you.
If you haven’t given online (or don’t recurrently give online) but WANT to start doing so:
Great! You can establish a Donor Profile in our new platform by submitting your next donation using the ‘ONLINE GIVING’ form above (in the bright blue section on this page).
We are so thankful for you and your continued participation and support of the Bedford Free Methodist Church. Please let us know if you have any questions!
We give as God puts it on our heart (2 Corinthians 9:7), and we do it at the first opportunity (Ecclesiastes 5:4). Thus, BFMC understands the need for a variety of ways to accommodate your contributions to the Kingdom.
There are two wooden collection boxes outside the doors of the sanctuary. You can drop envelopes, checks, and loose cash in these. Envelope options include:
blank envelopes available in the pews
“numbered” envelopes (you can request these; the number serves as your designated giving ID)
an envelope of your own
Note: All donations without a fund designation go to the ‘General Fund’.
A simple, easy way to make a contribution. Scroll to the ‘ONLINE GIVING’ section above to make a contribution.
Other ways to make contributions could include: sending checks via US Mail to the BFMC office (no cash please); set up IRA checks monthly, quarterly, etc. to go to the BFMC office; payments set up at your bank to send checks to BFMC office on a weekly, monthly, etc. basis.
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”
(Acts 20:35)